Design in the Netherlands has been able to progress because of arelatively open-minded culture. The Netherlands is a small country with a comparatively high number of designers. In general, most tend not to be highly specialized or tied to industry; they cannot limit themselves to one area and must be open to other disciplines inside and outside of the design field (van Abel et al, 2011: 13). This results in a natural eagerness to share and cooperate, making the Dutch context interesting from the perspective of open design.
The Design Journal.
Author: fred
Frederick van Amstel é um dos fundadores do Instituto Faber-Ludens, editor do blog Usabilidoido e coordenador do Living Lab Corais. Bacharel em Comunicação (UFPR) e Mestre em Tecnologia (UTFPR), Frederick vive na Holanda, onde realiza pesquisa de doutorando sobre Design Participativo (Universidade Twente). Frederick foi jurado dos concursos IF Design Awards e Peixe Grande. Prestou consultoria em Design de Interação para empresas como Electrolux, InfoGlobo, Magazine Luiza, Tramontina e Duty Free Dufry.
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