Curso de verão sobre fabricação digital em Portugal

STTF2013 is intended for Master and PhD students, researchers, and professionals from STS, Product and Service Design, Social Sciences and Humanities, Architecture and Engineering, Communication and Media, Environmental Studies, Economics and Management, Computer Sciences, and others. Regardless of individual experience, technical skills, or knowledge of social methodologies, everyone will have the opportunity to work together in sociotechnical processes of design, construction and discussion of concrete objects, with all four pillars of sustainability as background.

From codesign and scenario workshops, to rapid prototyping and open production exercises, STTF2013 participants will be encouraged to develop a new set of skills to deal with subjects such as digital fabrication, 3D simulation and printing, new sustainable materials, adaptable and interactive systems, participatory innovation, DIY creativity and new making cultures, appropriated and value sensitive artifacts, societal implications of technology, qualitative social methods, or critical science and technology studies.

Overview | STTF2013 ISCTE-IUL Summer School.

Author: fred

Frederick van Amstel é um dos fundadores do Instituto Faber-Ludens, editor do blog Usabilidoido e coordenador do Living Lab Corais. Bacharel em Comunicação (UFPR) e Mestre em Tecnologia (UTFPR), Frederick vive na Holanda, onde realiza pesquisa de doutorando sobre Design Participativo (Universidade Twente). Frederick foi jurado dos concursos IF Design Awards e Peixe Grande. Prestou consultoria em Design de Interação para empresas como Electrolux, InfoGlobo, Magazine Luiza, Tramontina e Duty Free Dufry.