Pesquisa de Asta Fjeldsted:
Open source promotes free redistribution and access to an end product’s design and implementation details. This notion of “giving it away for free” has ignited many thoughts and contemplation on how it can lead to a successful business. Within software this has proven to be a lucrative and efficient way to develop products and sustain a business, but what happens when this approach is used on physical products?
via Open Design Consulting.
Author: fred
Frederick van Amstel é um dos fundadores do Instituto Faber-Ludens, editor do blog Usabilidoido e coordenador do Living Lab Corais. Bacharel em Comunicação (UFPR) e Mestre em Tecnologia (UTFPR), Frederick vive na Holanda, onde realiza pesquisa de doutorando sobre Design Participativo (Universidade Twente). Frederick foi jurado dos concursos IF Design Awards e Peixe Grande. Prestou consultoria em Design de Interação para empresas como Electrolux, InfoGlobo, Magazine Luiza, Tramontina e Duty Free Dufry.
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